
Tijuana Slough

I’ve scoped this spot from across the estuary from one of the hiking trails that cut through the cholla. There were some dun...

Painted Gorge (Outside of Ocotillo), Imperial County

Playing Bocce out in the desert is what got me wanting to start this project. This is my personal happy place. I find freedom in b...

Golden Hill Park

Golden Hill Park is a little section of Balboa park cut off from the rest by main roads and the nearby golf course. To be frank, I...

Sandburg Park

Mira Mesa is a great little enclave for food, but there’s weirdly not a lot to do. I have a handful of other spots in the ar...

Liberty Station Knolls

I had the pleasure of running into a group of bocce oldheads who corrected some pronounciation (“bow chay”, accented i...

South Belmont

Between the parking lot south of Belmont park and the rest of South Mission is a lovely little grass section strewn with some shor...

Old Trolley Barn Park

This park is a lovely park with families always crowded around the play equipment. There is also a really nice view over Mission V...

Pioneer Park

Pioneer Park is a lovely hidden gem in Mission Hills. The park features some gentle rolling hills as well as a few not so gentle h...

SDSU Mission Valley River Park

While this park has yet to have it’s grand opening, I’ve been seeing my instagram blow up with skaters taking advantag...

Ponto Beach

Winter waves pushed the sand up high for an excellent play session with brief cliffs over round rocks tumbled in the surf. Some ni...