Old Trolley Barn Park

trolley barn park benjamin cheesing trolley barn park benjamin sticker trolley barn park benjamin wideshot

This park is a lovely park with families always crowded around the play equipment. There is also a really nice view over Mission Valley with some benches.

The play space is a little plain, but not every trip needs to be a big destination thing. The small grove of eucalyptus trees can be used as an obstacle, but I found myself more drawn to the ‘demented hill’ near the fenced off drainage in the center of the park.

Some off leash dogs got a bit curious about us throwing balls that weren’t for them, but wandered off when they felt that they weren’t soft like a tennis ball…

I definitely look for more topologically interesting places with more obstacles, but there’s plenty of space for the slow hills to make a fairly interesting game. A little simple, but super easy to get to for anyone living in the city center!

Lancer’s, Park & Rec and the excellent Diversionary Theater are right around the corner, so get ready for date night!

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